Around the world currency

4 Easy Steps to Teach Young Kids about Different Currencies

We love to travel. Before we had our son, my husband and I traveled to different countries to explore other cultures and cuisines. With our son now a toddler, we think it will be fun to resume the international trips as a family. Before we start our first trip (which is in a few months!) together, we want to teach him about the different currencies. It will be a fun way to start our trip.

What is currency?

According to Investopedia, “currency is a medium of exchange for goods and services.” It might sound complicated for little kids, so let’s keep it simple and easy. Currency is money that is represented in the form of paper bills and coins.

Why is it important for kids to understand different currencies?

Different countries have their own types of currencies as they have different cultures and traditional celebrations. Teaching your kids different currencies helps build a good foundation for them to understand and accept the differences between different cultures.

4 easy steps to teach kids about different currencies

Each country has its own currency.
There are different countries

At young ages, kids might not understand that more than one country exists. The easiest way to teach little kids about different countries is to show them the world map (check out this clickable world map from Geology).

With the open map, you can take your kid on a virtual tour around the world. You can start explaining to your kids that each country has its own land, people, and food.

Each country has its own currency

With the knowledge that different countries have different things, you can start telling your kids that each country also has its own currency. The value of the currency depends on the economic position of that country. They might not understand, remember, or even care about what it means. However, it is good to start putting the foundation for future lessons.

Currency naming and demonstration

After the basic understanding of different currency is formed, you can begin to teach your kids the names of each currency. You can start with your own country currency, popular currencies, or the currency of the country you are planning to travel to. For example, if you are planning a family trip to South Korea, you teach your kids about the Won (KRW).

It is also very helpful to teach them the name of the currency along with their pictures and symbols. They will be able to visualize it more.

Play interactive games

As with anything else, it is easier and more fun to learn through games. Here are a few games you can play with your kids:

  • Currency bingo: you can create simple bingo cards with different currencies and small tiles (or balls) with individual currency symbols. Have fun playing as you would play any bingo game.
  • Matching game: you can make a sheet with two columns. Then, fill one column with different currency symbols. Fill the other column with the currency name or image of the bill or coin. To play: ask your kid to draw the connecting line to match the currency symbol with its name or images.
  • Currency on the map: This game would be a great idea if you have a physical world map. Create small tiles with individual currency symbols. When playing, ask your kids to place the currency tile to the corresponding country on the map.


Teaching your kids about different currencies helps build the foundation for them to understand and respect other cultures. It is also a fun way to prepare for international family trips. However, it is important to remember that patience is key when working with young kids. Make sure you all have fun and enjoy together. Comment below to let me know which country is on your bucket list.

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